If you haven’t already read the first part of this topic…
Done that? Right, onwards and upwards on this potentially crazy sounding topic!
Why is this important (Part 2)?
From the perspective of using stretching to improve our functional RoM, the act of releasing the muscle through forced relaxation is not a uniform activity over the whole of a muscle, or muscles.
Frequently there are individual points of resistance.
With the technique using the Mind Body Connection, these individual points can be addressed. Pre-requisite is of course having developed sufficient sensitivity and control through the neural connectivity.
Sometimes the relaxation does not flow in one direction freely, so must be attempted another way.
This can be done with a few different tactics
- Using directionality, starting at one end, and working through all points sequentially
- Going the other way!
- Radial pattern
There is really no right or wrong here. Experimentation is needed in each case. Sometimes it’s just random, what works best.
It’s an ever-changing process, which is one of the beauties in this journey of self-improvement and knowledge.
To repeat a few of the closing comments from the last post:
I can only say that I have used this myself and taught others who have been with me for a sufficiently long time, with noticeable results. Maybe this sounds like voodoo/snake oil etc. etc. Give it a go, maybe you will be surprised!!
The directionality of muscles may be something that you have yourself felt many times. The next step is to realise that it can in fact be manipulated consciously with practise.
This manipulation can then be very useful as part of the toolkit to enable a better functioning physique; either through re-programming the contraction, or improving the functional RoM.